So I'm currently in the second year of my Master's program in Educational Administration with a specialization in Student Affairs, and graduate school is finally wearing me down. I need a break. Between my classes and attempting to start work on my thesis (and that pesky little thing called IRB), I barely feel as though I have any time for myself. That's why I'm ridiculously excited for this weekend - I'm finally giving myself a much needed break and spending most of the weekend out of the house.
The movie Gone Girl comes out this weekend, and it is based on one of my favorite books ever. A group of friends and I are headed out for a matinee on Saturday afternoon, and I could not be more excited! Haven't heard of Gone Girl before (have you been living under a rock???) - watch this trailer:
Saturday night, a group of people in my program who work in the same building as me will be having our second CBA GA wine night. What could be better? Starting the day with a great movie with great people and ending it with great people and great wine. BEST WEEKEND EVER!